Elise, who is a member of the society and who lives in southwest France contacted us just after the 2018 London marathon and asked if we had any runners for the 2019 event. We applied for a Silver Bond place which we secured and from August 2018 Elise and her team stepped up to the mark and began training for the 2019 event.
At a meeting in London with the Chairman of the society it was suggested that the money raised be used to make a full audio-visual record, and perhaps even a livestream, of the society’s conference to be held in Cardiff in early December.
“I thought it was such a good idea” she says. “It will mean that thousands of members will be able to hear what is said and discussed at the conference” she says.
The race itself was gruelling and the plan was that Elise would start slowly to ensure that she paced herself to finish the course.
“Wow what a week!” she says. “I had such a ball, I absolutely loved it! No nasty moments. I took it very slow and steady and ran all the way apart from a slight hill at 20m for a couple of mins”.
But it wasn’t all good.
“I saw some dreadful sights from 16m onwards with poor souls suffering. I’m so glad I took it slow from the start”.
Elise took four years to get diagnosed.
“That Marathon was tough” she says, “but nowhere near as tough as those four years when I was waiting for a diagnosis and treatment. Sufferers are the real heroes”.
What is surprising is that Elise doesn’t use injections to treat her condition but instead relies on high concentration sub-lingual Methylcobalamin tablets which she takes daily.
“Those who suffer between injections might want to consider the sub-linguals” she says, “but it’s important that you discuss this with your doctor first”.
And the fundraising didn’t stop when she had reached her target of £2,000.
“We went on a huge last min sponsor drive and got another £555 in the last 48hrs before the race. AMAZING. Total currently £3,160 plus gift aid so I’m absolutely delighted beyond words. Oh My!”
If you haven’t already done so, you can still contribute to Elise’s fundraising by going to her fundraising page here http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/EliseDyer
The fundraising page will be taken down in July so there’s still plenty of time.
We’d like to thank Elise on behalf of all of our members who will benefit from being able to access the content of the Conference in December, more details of which will be released soon.