Blog & News
The NICE B12 guideline – has anything changed?
In this month’s blog post our CEO, Katrina Burchell, looks at how NICE Guidelines should improve things for patients with a review of how NICE is supposed to work and a...
Health Inequality in Long-term Conditions
This months’ blog post from CEO Katrina Burchell discussed health inequalities from the perspective of the condition. The diagnosis and treatment of people with...
B Vitamins: The Essential Crew of Superheroes Keeping Your Body Running Smoothly
I was talking to someone in the medical field the other day about vitamin B12 and they commented: “Oh yes! B vitamins they are all the same aren’t they and you get them...
A Pharmacy Perspective – Empathy And Compassion
This month’s blog post is a contribution from Dr Nicola Ward, Associate Professor in Pharmacy at Leicester School of Pharmacy, De Montfort University. Nicola is a...
Hope and Psychology in Wellness – Pernicious Anaemia
This month’s blog post is written by Dr Heidi Seage. Principal Lecturer in Health Psychology and Programme director MSc in Health Psychology at Cardiff School of Sport...
The Importance of Volunteering
This month’s blog is about Volunteering as we celebrate 40 years of Volunteering week in the first week of June 2024. The Pernicious Anaemia Society is run by a small...