Cardiff Half_Marathon

Raising Awareness at the Cardiff Half-Marathon

15 Oct, 2018

Pernicious Anaemia Society

photo from
“We couldn’t believe how many people came up to us and told them that either they, or someone they knew had Pernicious Anaemia”.

That’s what the four runners in this year’s Cardiff Half-Marathon told us after they successfully completed the course.

The ladies, all from Rhondda Cynon Taff, heard about the society and asked for running vests so that they could raise awareness of the society.

“We were aghast! At least 35 people approached us before the race started and at the end. Most had no idea that the society existed” they reported.

From left to right: Jodi Stevens, Karen Prosser, Allison Darcruz, Vicky Stevens
Please let us know if you would like to participate in any event and would like a t-shirt or running vest to help raise awareness amongst the general public. You can also get yourself sponsored whilst raising awareness and fundraise for the Pernicious Anaemia Society.
Check out what others have done for the Society and how to start your own fundraise event or if you want us to promote your event on our Fundraising Page.

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  1. Avis Hannon

    Well done ladies, many thanks for raising awareness of this condition and the existence of PAS. Wish I was in a position to do,what you have done. Sadly due to osteoarthritis in both knees I would end up on the floor after two steps lol. Thank you again.

  2. Wedgewood

    Absolutely brilliant ! Am so chuffed to hear this good news . 3 cheers for who ever organised this .

  3. Sandra Botwright

    Well done ladies. Keep up the good work. My PA is preventing me from doing this to rasie awareness.


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