The Annual General Meeting of the Pernicious Anaemia Society will be taking place at the Burlington Hotel in Birmingham at 10:30 on Saturday 3rd June, 2017.
The AGM is held annually and, like most other charities, only the Trustees will be taking part. This is because the PA Society is a Limited Company and the Trustees are the company Directors.
As well as a general discussion on the way the society operates the Trustees will receive a report from the Chairman and a Financial Report from the Treasurer. The Chairman’s report will be a summary of the major events of the past twelve months and will also contain a 12-month Business Plan that will form part of the three-year Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is continually evolving with new objectives being adopted once old objectives have been reached.
The Financial Report will detail the financial health of the society and will (hopefully) include a report from the independent auditors. We say hopefully because at the time of writing the auditors are still working on the accounts. If the Trustees are happy with the Financial Report it will be adopted as a true record at the meeting.
The meeting is expected to last an hour and if members would like to meet the Trustees and other members of the society they are invited to do so by attending the meeting though they won’t be able to take an active part in the proceedings.
It is expected that once the business is concluded members will enjoy a pleasant social gathering.
If you would like to attend the event please let us know by either telephoning the office or sending an email.