Conference on Homocysteine

11th International Conference on Homocysteine and One Carbon Metabolism

17 Feb, 2017

Pernicious Anaemia Society

The Chairman of the Pernicious Anaemia Society, Martyn Hooper MBE has been invited to speak at the 11th International Conference on Homocysteine and One Carbon Metabolism that is being held at Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark between the 14th and 18th May 2017.
The society has attended these conferences in the past but only as exhibitors. The conference is the annual event for researchers and doctors who have an interest in B12 and around 200 delegates attend. They will hear a series of academic papers about Homocysteine and B12 over the four days.

Martyn has been invited to speak on the last day of the conference and will be able to demonstrate how the problems associated with identifying and correcting any B12 Deficiency is having an impact on the everyday lives of people. His talk will be twenty minutes long with additional time for questions.

More information on the Conference website

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  1. Karyl Carter

    Martyn. You have well and truly put Pernicious Aneamia on the map. So many people owe you so much. Thank you for your tenacity and loyalty to the cause.

  2. Mary Epke

    Dear Martyn ,
    It’s great news that you are speaking at the conference on Homocysteine etc .in Aarhus. What would we do without you ?
    We P.A. patients owe you so much .Many thanks yet again.

  3. ANNE Abernethy-Clark

    I was like to endorse the above comments. Thank so much for doing such a marvellous job of raising the profile of PA.


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