Join us Online for a Question and Answer session with Dr Willemina Rietsema. Questions frequently asked on our helpline and submitted in advance from members will be discussed and answered by Dr Rietsema covering what is already known about the autoimmune condition Pernicious Anaemia and what areas of research are ongoing and which need to be funded going forward. Questions can be submitted to in**@pa***.uk please mark your email QUESTION FOR SEMINAR. You can submit more than one question but please do so in separate emails. Emails on the same topic may be covered in one answer. Answers will be in the nature of guidance and for the benefit of the audience rather than specific individual circumstances.
Dr Willemina Rietsema is a GP with a specific interest in Pernicious Anaemia, B12 deficiency and in ongoing research in this area. She is a co-founder of CluB-12, an international collaborative of researchers and educators interested in all aspects of vitamin B12. Willemina served on the NICE committee for the drafting of the Guideline on B12 Deficiency in over 16s and works for the NHS as a GP appraiser and out of hours GP. Her own experience and in-depth knowledge of B12 deficiency symptoms and treatment and her long-term support of the Pernicious Anaemia Society through speaking at events and being involved in published papers gives her a uniquely insightful understanding of this condition.