PHOTO: ABBIE TRAYLER-SMITH FOR THE WALL STREET JOURNAL On Tuesday 30th April, the prestigious Wall Street Journal published an article written by Dana Hawkins-Simons. Dana is most likely a sufferer of Pernicious Anaemia and, like so many of us, waited years for a...
Press Release – Society welcomes new GP App
Society welcomes new GP Professional Development App Attendees at the Pernicious Anaemia Society’s Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 31 October were the first to learn of the launch a new App, designed to raise GPs awareness and understanding of new guidelines on...
Radio 4 Interview
Here's a link to a radio interview on the BBC's Inside Health programme carried out in 2012. We have been asked to place this on the website by two of our members: The interview with Martyn Hooper begins at 13minutes and...
PAS response to Express Newspapers October 2014 Article
Dr Rosemary Leonard The Northern & Shell Building 10 Lower Thames Street LONDON EC3R 6EN 23/10/14 Dear Dr Leonard, Re: Treating Pernicious Anaemia You recently stated that patients suffering from Pernicious Anaemia who have received initial loading doses of...
Radio Interview
Martyn Hooper will be interviewed on Radio Cardiff at 1pm today 98.7 FM