Pernicious Anaemia

Health Inequality in Long-term Conditions

Health Inequality in Long-term Conditions

This months’ blog post from CEO Katrina Burchell discussed health inequalities from the perspective of the condition. The diagnosis and treatment of people with Pernicious Anaemia in the UK and on the wider international stage seems to follow a worrying pattern where...

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PAS Statement on the Publication of the NICE Guideline

PAS Statement on the Publication of the NICE Guideline

The Pernicious Anaemia Society is the charity which originally petitioned for a NICE guideline on Pernicious Anaemia, and we are disappointed that during the formation of the NICE Committee and in the early meetings, the focus moved to a more general NICE guideline on B12 deficiency as a symptom and not Pernicious Anaemia as a condition.

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One History of Pernicious Anaemia

One History of Pernicious Anaemia

You will note immediately that I have done two things in the title, 1) to use the word 'one' rather than 'a' or 'the'. I make no pretence that this article is a definitive history of this condition and 2) I have used the UK spelling of anaemia throughout, knowing that...

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