Following the Pernicious Anaemia James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) workshops, we now have our Top 10 Research Priorities; questions that patients, clinicians and other healthcare professionals agreed are the most important to be answered by...
Pernicious Anaemia Society
Statement on the current Covid-19 pandemic and treatment being stopped
This society is aware that the current Covid-19 pandemic is putting unprecedented demands on the NHS and that medical professionals at all levels are working hard…
Recent developments regarding injections being stopped
The problem of patients being told that they will not be receiving their injections due to the risk of spreading the Covid-19 virus has been the sole topic in telephone calls and emails to the society in the past two weeks. We are working hard to help our members in...
Covid-19: Letter to Health Ministers and injections being stopped
In the last two days we have received over thirty telephone calls and many emails and comments from patients who have been told that their surgery is no longer providing injections because of the Coronavirus pandemic. This is extremely worrying for patients who are...
Our Helpline, new interviews & treatment development
Dedicated Helpline Telephone Number My thanks to those who have volunteered to help man the telephone helpline service that we offer to our members. We receive a lot of calls from non-members asking for help and advice and, although we do our best to help these...
Chair’s Update – What’s been happening
Well, I promised you in my report in the last newsletter that I would keep you all better informed of what I’ve been up to and so, here we are, in the third week of the new year and I’m keeping up with my New Year’s Resolution and sitting here writing about what has...